Our technical reports and pedagogical leaflets promote best practices and set recommendations to foster a common regulatory culture.
September 2023
Digital card - A Glimpse at the Mediterranean Energy Mix and Cross-Border Interconnections

Based on MEDREG’s flagship MEMO report, this short digital card provides an overview of the energy mix by country and by region and of the cross-border interconnections in the Maghreb, the Middle East, the Balkans and Tu¨rkiye, as well as in EU MEDREG Member countries. It offers some recommendations to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy sector and increase the security of supply in the Mediterranean region.

September 2023
Report on the 3rd MEDREG Presidents’ Workshop

This report covers the discussions held in the MEDREG’s 3rd Presidents' Workshop titled "The Role of a Coherent Regulation in Promoting Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region" in June 2023.
The workshop explored topics such as renewable energy integration, energy efficiency, cross-border interconnections, and regulatory harmonisation.
This report provides an overview of the workshop proceedings, key insights, and recommendations that emerged from the discussions, aiming to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on promoting sustainable energy transition in the Mediterranean.

February 2023
Digital card - Delivering the Energy Transition with Infrastructure Investments, Network Remuneration, and Tariffs

This pedagogical publication is based on our Training Report on that subject.


With a short and visual format, it offers information on some of the main regulatory factors to drive the energy transition and advance the energy sector: infrastructure investment, network remuneration and setting of fair and cost-reflective tariffs.

January 2023
Training Report - Infrastructure Investments, Network Remuneration, and Tariffs

Based on our training on “Infrastructure Investments, Network Remuneration, and Tariffs” that took place in October 2022 in Milan (Italy), this report tackles these three pillars that are crucial to the advancement of the energy sector and to drive the energy transition.

It gives an overview on the topics that were discussed during the training and comprises the contributions of several international speakers from MEDREG regulators and collaborating entities specialised in their fields.

December 2022
Workshop Report on “Cross Border Coordination for Interconnection Capacity Development”

This report summarises the discussions held in a workshop held in October 2022 in Milan which addressed cross-border cooperation for interconnection capacity development and the future role of natural gas in the energy market.

1 December 2020
Electricity and gas interconnections 2020 - Report published by CRE
A decade after the adoption of the third legislative package, this new edition of the CRE report on interconnections, covering the years 2018 and 2019, marks the coming of age of the internal market, but also the opening towards a new era, that of the decarbonisation of energy in Europe. The European Union’s stated ambitions represent a remarkable change of direction and bring with them many challenges. However, one certainty remains: the interconnections between national energy systems are an essential asset for the transition to more renewable energies and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at European level.
December 2019
Transparency of Gas Transmission, LNG and Storage Infrastructure in Energy Community and Mediterranean Region - Compliance Monitoring
This report assesses the level of transparency in gas infrastructures – transmission pipelines, LNG facilities and storages – among the members of the Association for the Mediterranean Regulators (MEDREG) and the Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB). This monitoring exercise aims to achieve a minimum common transparency standard by identifying the necessary improvements and making a set of recommendations.
Although a certain level of transparency has been established among the analysed countries, improvements and further progress are required. Legislation on transparency is not yet well established among non-EU MEDREG members, which creates an impediment against the development and progression of the principle of transparency.
February 2019
Options réglementaires pour la stimulation des investissements dans les infrastructures
Établissement des faits et examen des défis concernant les investissements dans les infrastructures
Ce rapport évalue le niveau de développement des systèmes électriques et détermine les priorités et les défis relatifs à la stimulation des investissements pertinents.
Afin de correctement stimuler l'investissement dans la région méditerranéenne, MEDREG formule les recommandations de priorités suivantes :
  • Clarifier l’architecture institutionnelle à l’échelle nationale
  • Améliorer la capacité de planification de l'investissement
  • Garantir un bon niveau de transparence et de savoir
  • S'appuyer sur les compétences des régulateurs
  • January 2019
    Regulatory options for the stimulation of infrastructure investments
    Fact finding and review of challenges in investment in infrastructure
    This report assesses the level of development of power systems and to identify priorities and challenges for the stimulation of relevant investments.
    To properly stimulate investments in the Mediterranean region, MEDREG makes the following priority recommendations:
  • Clarify the institutional architecture at national level
  • Improve investment planning capacity:
  • Ensure a proper level of transparency and know-how
  • Build upon regulators’ competences
  • April 2018
    Gas Infrastructure Map of the Mediterranean Region
    Based on data collected from 14 Mediterranean countries, the report provides a picture of the gas infrastructure in the Mediterranean including interconnection points, transmission pipelines crossing the country, transmission and storage capacities, usage of the capacities and future investment plans across MEDREG members.
    This Gas Infrastructure Map report also shows potential infrastructure developments in the natural gas transmission systems under several future natural gas demand scenarios and includes infrastructure maps of Croatia, Cyprus, France, Jordan, Malta, Spain, Turkey.
    July 2016
    Methodologies used by Regulators to Evaluate Investment Projects and Investment Plans
    This report is a complement to the MEDREG project on “Regulation and Investments: Solutions for the Mediterranean Region” and is in line with the MEDREG Strategy 2020-2030 which states that investment conditions in the Mediterranean need to be improved, not only by developing innovative financing instruments but also ensuring the regulatory and economic conditions for investments. The purpose of this report is to analyse what tools can be used by regulatory authorities to evaluate investments carried out by transmission operators. The challenge consists in identifying infrastructure gaps in a way to justify new investments and to assess the added value of new projects proposed by TSOs by checking the relevance of costs and project management. 6 national case studies were examined, where the results revealed that all regulators are somehow involved in the network development process and in the evaluation of investment plans. At the same time the assessment of projects and plans shall be based on a solid expertise regarding the evaluation of methodologies and scenarios used by the TSOs.
    December 2015
    Monitoring the compliance with the Guidelines of Good Practice on Third Party Access in the Mediterranean region
    The report focus on different topics like, market opening, unbundling, Third Party Access (TPA) to the infrastructures, network code and TPA rules, tariffs, methodologies for capacity allocation and congestion management, balancing, anti-hording mechanisms, quality of service and dispute settlement. The monitoring report follows the same structure of the Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) on TPA. For each GGP identified, it is referred the countries that comply with the GGP and the ones that do not. MEDREG members that replied to the questionnaire are in line with more than 80% of existence and implementation of GGP on TPA, where generally all consumers are eligible to choose their supplier, there is more than one supplier, the access to the infrastructures is generally regulated and the TPA rules are published and available to all users as well as the methodologies for capacity allocation and congestion management. The tariffs are entry-exit, both anti-hording mechanisms and mechanisms to promote market opening are in place and the regulators have competencies regarding unbundling, TPA, tariffs and quality of service.
    July 2015
    Interconnection Infrastructures Report + Appendixes Final
    The Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG) published a report providing the vision of Energy Regulators on the current situation of Infrastructure investment in the Mediterranean region. This document maps current and projected interconnection infrastructures for electricity and gas and discusses the current financing challenges, in the absence of an harmonized regulatory framework at regional level. In a context of strong investment needs one of MEDREG’s key objectives is to advocate in favour of a sound regulatory framework in all 21 member countries. MEDREG works as a facilitator to ensure that all Mediterranean countries establish an independent national regulatory agency both for the electricity and gas sectors. Through this report, MEDREG aimed at encouraging an active debate among governments, international financial institutions (IFIs), Transmission System Operators (TSOs), multilateral organizations, and the academic world. The Association submitted its preliminary results to a public consultation process, which gathered 37 responses from stakeholders that contributed to improve and clarify the final version of the study. MEDREG is confident that this report can represent a meaningful step to tackle and address barriers to energy investments in the Mediterranean region. The main data in support of this report were kindly provided by MEDREG member regulators.
    July 2015
    Interconnection Infrastructures Report + Appendixes Final
    The Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG) published a report providing the vision of Energy Regulators on the current situation of Infrastructure investment in the Mediterranean region. This document maps current and projected interconnection infrastructures for electricity and gas and discusses the current financing challenges, in the absence of an harmonized regulatory framework at regional level. In a context of strong investment needs one of MEDREG’s key objectives is to advocate in favour of a sound regulatory framework in all 21 member countries. MEDREG works as a facilitator to ensure that all Mediterranean countries establish an independent national regulatory agency both for the electricity and gas sectors. Through this report, MEDREG aimed at encouraging an active debate among governments, international financial institutions (IFIs), Transmission System Operators (TSOs), multilateral organizations, and the academic world. The Association submitted its preliminary results to a public consultation process, which gathered 37 responses from stakeholders that contributed to improve and clarify the final version of the study. MEDREG is confident that this report can represent a meaningful step to tackle and address barriers to energy investments in the Mediterranean region. The main data in support of this report were kindly provided by MEDREG member regulators.
    June 2012
    Status Review on Gas Network Infrastructure and SoS
    The review aims at providing an updated picture of gas network infrastructure and security of supply situations of the Mediterranean countries. By doing so, the review would enable MEDREG members to visualize the "Mediterranean gas market". Moreover, the review allows MEDREG countries to compare and analyze their security of supply situations. The review also questions the feasibility of creating a Mediterranean ring, discusses possible problems in setting path for a level playing field, and sets a basis for cooperation opportunities on supply security both for gas-importing and gas-exporting countries. Security of supply in the Mediterranean Region will best be maintained by mutual cooperation and harmonization of trading rules. Establishment of a common regulatory understanding and level-playing field among the trading partners would institute a common market and increase the elasticity in the face of gas supply disruption.
    December 2011
    Status review on Third-Party Access in the Mediterranean region
    This study is focused on the Third Party Access (TPA) status in the region and future needs in order to develop an integrated Mediterranean market. The main conclusion of this monitoring exercise is that regulated TPA to the infrastructures is linked to the degree of development of the gas market. The more developed a gas market is, in terms of penetration of gas consumption, openness and liberalization, the more likely is that the TPA to the infrastructures is regulated, the rules for access to the infrastructures are published and the regulator has competencies regarding the approval of these rules and of the access tariffs to the infrastructures.
    July 2010
    Report on heading to an integrated Mediterranean electricity market.
    Based upon the MEDREG Action plan 2010-2011-2012, the "Ad hoc group on Electricity (ELE Group)" has been assigned to examine and, in case, will propose common positions on the following subjects: present and future interconnections infrastructure needs (for the establishment of an integrated electricity market) from the technical, economic, and financial perspectives; | future of Smart Grids in MEDREG countries; | unbundling of sector activities; | operational issues concerning cross border exchange and congestion management practices; | market design; | transparency of market information and services; | non discriminatory TPA to infrastructure and services; | tariff methodologies; | price regulation.
    • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.