Our technical reports and pedagogical leaflets promote best practices and set recommendations to foster a common regulatory culture.
June 2024
Snapshot: Smart Meters and Smart Grids Integration in the Mediterranean
This one-page digital publication provides a picture of the state of play and regulatory framework supporting smart meters and smart girds deployment in the Mediterranean region. Based on MEDREG’s 2023 report on that subject, it gives a hint at the technical challenges and solutions to their implementation, as well as their benefits.
December 2023
Snapshot: Practical Tools to Improve Regulatory Compliance and Competences

Based on our training report on the same subject, this one-page publication illustrates the regulatory powers in action, and provides some tools used in our member countries to improve regulatory compliance. It also invites energy regulators to harness the full potential of newly developed regulations to promote the integration of renewable energy sources, and to accelerate the establishment of the grid of the future, increasing consumer protection, energy security and environmental sustainability.

September 2023
Digital card - A Glimpse at the Mediterranean Energy Mix and Cross-Border Interconnections

Based on MEDREG’s flagship MEMO report, this short digital card provides an overview of the energy mix by country and by region and of the cross-border interconnections in the Maghreb, the Middle East, the Balkans and Tu¨rkiye, as well as in EU MEDREG Member countries. It offers some recommendations to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy sector and increase the security of supply in the Mediterranean region.

February 2023
Digital card - Delivering the Energy Transition with Infrastructure Investments, Network Remuneration, and Tariffs

This pedagogical publication is based on our Training Report on that subject.


With a short and visual format, it offers information on some of the main regulatory factors to drive the energy transition and advance the energy sector: infrastructure investment, network remuneration and setting of fair and cost-reflective tariffs.

January 2023
Digital card - Energy Storage and Demand Management: The Example of Portugal

This pedagogical publication is based on our Portuguese Study Visit Report entitled “Exploring Energy Storage and Demand Management”. It presents the regulatory policies and trends on these important topics, with a focus on Portugal, through summarised and schematic information.

January 2023
Infographic - Using Energy Regulation to Serve Climate Obligations

This pedagogical publication is based on our “Training Report: Climate Obligations, Environmental Standards, and Regulations”. It translates the complex subjects of renewable energy, energy efficiency, buyer power, the role of natural gas and hydrogen, technology innovation and electric mobility, into accessible concepts. It also highlights the role of regulators and MEDREG’s action to reduce the environmental damage.

June 2022
Infographic: Digitalisation of the Energy Sector from the Consumers’ Perspective

In recent years, digital technologies have gained a prominent importance in our daily lives, and consumers are becoming more demanding in terms of information and user-friendly solutions. The energy sector makes no exception to this trend and is increasingly relying on digitalisation at all its levels. Many countries have already started to use new technologies and innovative solutions to upgrade the efficiency of their energy systems by implementing smart meters and the automation in the transmission and distribution networks.

This infographic pictures the growing role of digitalisation in supporting the development of smarter energy in the Mediterranean countries and how it enables energy consumers to become active players in the energy system.

It is based on MEDREG’s Consumer Working Group’s report titled “Role of digitalisation and its impact on consumer issues” published in 2022.

April 2022
Snapshot: Energy Efficiency and E-Mobility in the Med
This document provides an overview of the existing policies related to energy efficiency and of the state of e-mobility in the Mediterranean region, presenting different strategies from MEDREG countries. A short analysis is also included as take-way points, together with a set of recommendations meant for regulators and policymakers to improve energy system efficiency and expand the development of e-mobility. It is based on the RES WG report “Energy efficiency programmes and electric mobility in Mediterranean countries”.
February 2022
Snapshot: Digitalisation of Energy Markets from the Regulators’ Perspective

This snapshot presents the implications of the digitalisation of the energy sector for regulators.
It shows the beneficial role that digitalisation plays to foster the energy transition and incorporate renewables to the energy systems. It also presents the cybersecurity risks that digitalisation implies, proposing solutions to the regulators. Finally, it pictures how infrastructure, innovation, smart grids and meters, flexibility of services, blockchain, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are interlinked parameters of digitalisation and enabling factors to consumer empowerment.

It is based on the MEDREG Training“Regulatory Implications of the Digitalisation of Energy Markets and the New Role of Consumers” held in October 2021.

December 2021
Digital card: Improving the Quality of Consumer Services through Regulation
This digital card proposes regulatory measures and recommendations applicable to all MEDREG energy regulators to improve the quality of consumer services. It is based on a peer review carried out by MEDREG Consumer Working Group in 2020 for our Jordanian member, informed by a variety of case studies and international good practices in terms of connection, complaint management, billing, and power interruption.
September 2021
Digital Card: Regulation as a Tool for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
As countries are taking measures to respond to climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region, energy regulators have specific responsibilities to implement or oversee the promotion and integration of renewable energy sources (RES) alongside their traditional regulatory role.

Based on a recent MEDREG’s report, this digital card explains how regulation is and can be used to accelerate and increase the integration of RES and more widely accompany the decarbonisation of the energy sector.

30 March 2021
The competences of Mediterranean energy regulators and their role in the market
Our Digital Card aims to highlight the approach, main findings and recommendations described in the INS WG Report “Mediterranean Energy Regulatory Outlook.” The Mediterranean Energy Regulatory Outlook presents an update on the status of energy regulation in the Mediterranean Basin in 2020. It aims to provide a useful insight to Mediterranean regulators regarding the role and tasks of their fellow regulators in neighbouring countries so that they can improve their approaches and practices. It also introduces consolidated and updated information to stakeholders and potential investors regarding the role of regulators in new investments.
November 2020
Empowering Mediterranean Regulators for a common energy future
The infographic provides a comprehensive overview of MEDREG’s concrete achievements during the period 2018-2020, detailing the milestones reached and showing how MEDREG upscaled the scope and reach of its activity. The document also provides an outlook on the support provided to some of the countries involved in the project and shows Working Groups’ activity outreach.
January 2020
Complaint handling and dispute settlement procedures available to energy consumers
It provides the state of play of the complaint handling and dispute settlement procedures available to household customers in the energy market in the Mediterranean and Balkan regions. It shares the best practices and offers recommendations for the implementation of minimum criteria to guarantee household consumers access to justice.
October 2019
MEDREG informative leaflet
This brochure provides an overview of our organisation, its membership, governance, mission, areas of work, network and latest reports. It highlights our recent achievements and tries to demonstrate MEDREG’s unique position to foster Euro-Mediterranean energy market integration.
September 2019
Success story: How MEDREG Helped Algeria’s Energy Regulator to Launch its Renewable Energy Auctions Scheme
This short publication explains how MEDREG’s technical assistance contributed to support Algeria’s new strategy for renewable energy development, in the context of an auction launch for the production of 150 MW of photovoltaics (PV) in November 2018. In October 2018, MEDREG facilitated a technical workshop to CREG providing tools to design auctions, define appropriate requirements to participate in the auction and select a winner that would effectively implement the project.
September 2019
Success story: How MEDREG Assisted Israel’s Gas Regulatory Agency in Establishing a Gas Distribution Framework for Residential Use
This success story tells how the study visit of the Israeli Gas Regulator NGA, organised by MEDREG in 2018 to the Spanish and Turkish energy regulators, enabled NGA to make informed decisions about the processes required to supply gas to domestic consumers in Israel. The workshops in Madrid and in Ankara brought a lot of internal discussions, and as a result, a few very important decisions were taken such as to invest about €150M in the distribution infrastructure. MEDREG’s support exposed NGA to the mature market of Spain and the newly established and flourishing market of Turkey; the two countries representing the very few that possess a developed natural gas regulation and similar climatic conditions to those of Israel.
May 2019
Booklet on “How to Stimulate Infrastructure Investments from a Regulator’s Perspective”
The booklet offers some insights and suggestions on how to stimulate infrastructure investments from a regulator’s perspective.
It is based on a report elaborated by MEDREG’s Electricity Working Group and published by MEDREG in January 2019 which assesses the level of development of power systems and identifies certain challenges and priorities for the stimulation of pertinent infrastructure investments.
December 2018
Leaflet on Smart grids in the Mediterranean countries
This leaflet is based on a report elaborated by MEDREG in 2018, which discusses smart grids in the Mediterranean countries.
It introduces the notion of smart grids and offers an overview of the 14 different typologies of this new technology, which has been experimented in 11 countries, as well as their implication on generation, transmission and distribution networks, and consumers.
Smart grids will play a critical role in facilitating renewable energy transition, and regulators will have to actively accompany its development. By sharing case studies from across the Mediterranean, MEDREG aims at enabling its members to assess the most suitable option, if any, in the light of their local circumstances.
November 2018
Case Study of EgyptERA peer review
How MEDREG empowered the Egyptian energy regulator to protect consumers in a liberalised electricity market
In 2015, the Egyptian Electricity Regulator EgyptERA volunteered to undertake an assessment of its independence, duties and enforcement powers, accountability, transparency, and internal organisation. This peer review assessment, carried out by fellow Mediterranean regulators, resulted in a report containing critical suggestions for EgyptERA.
This case study reports the results obtained at the end of two years of implementation of MEDREG’s recommendations and how EgyptERA saw its regulatory prerogatives become effective and its power significantly strengthened in tariff methodology, dispute settlement, market opening, public consultation and transparency.
September 2018
Leaflet on Gas Markets in the Mediterranean
This leaflet provides an insight of the existing natural gas infrastructure and gas market competition present in the Mediterranean. Based on two reports published earlier in 2018, this short publication highlights the main outcomes of these studies in a reader-friendly and approachable way.
MEDREG seeks to identify requirements that could lead to the development of an integrated, competitive, secure and functioning gas market in the Mediterranean region. In order to develop this work, MEDREG has developed a set of indicators, reported in this leaflet, to help understand the current situation in its member countries.
June 2018
Booklet on the Mediterranean Energy Regulatory Outlook 2017
Based on the Mediterranean Energy Regulatory Outlook 2017, which is a major report published by MEDREG in January 2018 informing about the status of energy regulation in the Mediterranean Basin, this booklet provides a summary of its main findings in a reader-friendly format. 
It highlights the trends drawn from the data collected, and contains fact sheets about MEDREG members’ regulatory status, features and powers. A short conclusion for each of the regulatory authority is also proposed as a take away point.
This pedagogical publication aims at enabling MEDREG’s members, external partners and energy stakeholders to find out at a glance about the state of play of energy regulation in the Mediterranean countries.
February 2016
Evolution of the Mediterranean energy sector 2013-2015
MEDREG is glad to present its latest publication “Evolution of the Mediterranean energy sector 2013-2015” that collects the the Association's achievements performed during the three years.

A section of the publication shows the major results in terms of energy regulation obtained by MEDREG members. The reports issued by MEDREG Working Groups have been relevant to support Southern shore member regulators in achieving their objectives, testifying for the key role played by the Association in favor of the regulatory harmonization of the region.

Fact-findings from the publication include the following steps forward made by MEDREG members:
  • the process of establishment of the Moroccan electricity regulator and the Egyptian gas regulator is advancing;
  • the reinforcement of institutional cooperation with Euro-Mediterranean energy stakeholders, such as the close cooperation with Med-TSO in the context of the UfM Euro-Mediterranean Platform on the Regional Electricity Market;
  • the enhancement of knowledge about good regulatory principles and practice among Southern shore members as well as intensified exchange and publication of data on Mediterranean gas and electricity markets.
May 2015
MEDREG informative leaflet
Pursuant to the first edition of the MEDREG Forum, held in Barcelona on 26 November 2014, the Mediterranean Energy Regulators are pleased to share with you the related publication "MEDREG Papers n.2".
The MEDREG Forum 2014 enabled our Association to hear out opinions of researchers and practitioners on the state of play and main proposals to enhance investments in the Mediterranean energy sector. This booklet summarizes the contributions presented by the speakers, as well as the main conclusions of the event. The publication is conceived as a multimedia file including active links to Forum speakers’ affiliations, as well as to MEDREG members’ websites. MEDREG Papers will continue to report about debates and facts concerning Mediterranean energy regulation, building on the growing interaction between the Association and all relevant stakeholders in the region.
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  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.