Our technical reports and pedagogical leaflets promote best practices and set recommendations to foster a common regulatory culture.
June 2024
Annual Report 2023

The Annual Report presents the milestones we accomplished in 2023, forging a regulatory environment for market integration and energy transition.

It covers the work we deployed to mitigate the impacts of the energy crisis, through initiatives enhancing the resilience of energy networks and infrastructures.

The reflection around renewable gases and specifically on hydrogen also holds a significant position in last year’s activities with decarbonisation constituting a primal focus, driving initiatives to enhance energy efficiency too.

Our collaboration with regional stakeholders and our dedication to capacity building among our members also proved to be powerful means that leveraged knowledge and experience, charting the course towards a sustainable, secure, and thriving energy market in the Mediterranean.

June 2024
President’s Message from 2023 Annual Report

As we reflect on the past year's accomplishments at MEDREG, it is evident that our collective efforts have yielded remarkable milestones. Our unwavering commitment to fostering a regulatory environment conducive to market integration and energy transition has been instrumental in advancing our association's mission.


In response to the unprecedented challenges facing the energy sector, we have demonstrated resilience and adaptability by equipping our members with tailored regulatory tools to navigate volatile energy prices. Despite these challenges, our dedication to advancing decarbonisation remains steadfast.


Read the full message in three languages.

June 2023
Annual Report 2022

This Annual Report informs about the activities undertaken in 2022, a year marked by surging energy prices and energy security risks in a context of geopolitical crisis.
Last year, our members showed their capacity of adaptation and responsiveness to maintain the stability and the functioning of the energy markets in the Mediterranean region, while keeping the decarbonation of the energy sector high in their agenda. 

2022 saw a reinforcement of the status and independence of the regulators, while Southern members harnessed synergies with fellow members to enhance their energy markets. Efforts were pursued to maximise the use of gas interconnections and tackle energy losses.

Furthermore, renewable gases, energy storage and demand management became important topics of studies and exchanges among our members on their quest to promote low carbon new technologies and renewable energy sources.

June 2023
President’s Message from 2022 Annual Report

In his introductive message of our 2022 Annual Report, President Abellatif Bardach presents his vision of the recent developments and his priorities to respond to the evolving trends of the energy sector, with a focus on a reinforced collaboration with stakeholders and the deployment of new technologies.

26 July 2022
Annual Report 2021

Proposed under a digital and interactive format, this publication provides an overview of MEDREG’s activities accomplished last year to reinforce the regulatory capacity of its members and to shape a strong and convergent regulation in the Mediterranean region.

The key findings of our technical reports are highlighted, and recommendations are shared on emerging topics likely to respond to the current energy transition challenges, like digitalisation, hydrogen, e-mobility, flexibility, innovation, and security of supply, to name just a few.

The Annual Report also distils key learnings and knowledge from technical workshops, webinars, and study visits with a focus on the support provided to Algeria, Israel and Jordan to reinforce their regulatory capacity.

Finally, it lists our joint initiatives with our main partners and informs about the impact of our visibility and communication products.

June 2021
Annual Report 2020
This publication provides an overarching view of the activities carried out during 2020, showing how MEDREG embraced the concept of flexibility and transformation, being able to bring its activities to fruition.
Despite the difficulties brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, the efforts of all the Working Groups, members, partners, and the institutions involved allowed to make progress towards the establishment of a clear, stable and harmonized regulatory energy framework in the Mediterranean through the:
  • Stimulation of regional integration;
  • Analyze and improvement of the conditions for infrastructure investment;
  • Design of frameworks to improve and increase efficiency, competition and transparency of electricity and gas supply industries and promote renewable energy sources (RES);
  • Definition of a common approach to consumer protection principles, considering the situation of vulnerable consumers;
  • Regulatory capacity building in the region, and much more.
The 2020 Annual Report sets the intention on how MEDREG will continue to work to promote a holistic attitude, combining market liberalization with investments, environmental protection, and capacity development activities.
June 2020
Annual Report 2019
2019's edition of MEDREG Annual Report reaffirms MEDREG's strategy to offer support tailored to the needs of its Members. This approach allows the provision of concrete solutions in tackling actual issues that member regulators face daily. During last year, MEDREG continued to provide support to Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine to reinforce energy cooperation, market monitoring and fair competition, improving energy sustainability and access to renewable energy sources.

In addition to the support provided to these members, MEDREG's activity also focused on the following aspects:

- the continuous monitoring and stimulation of an integrated energy market in the Mediterranean region to strengthen national systems and infrastructure investment;
- promoting transparency in the gas market and infrastructure and set a common standard;
- the identification of appropriate auction schemes for renewable energy sources (RES);
- guiding the reduction of power-losses, strengthening energy efficiency and consumers' protection;
- the implementation of training activities to promote capacity building;
- the creation of high-level platforms for discussion;
- reinforcing the collaboration with relevant stakeholders and partners;
- communication and visibility actions.
June 2019
Annual Report 2018
The 2018’s edition of MEDREG’s Annual Report reflects the organisation’s reinforced strategy oriented towards its Members’ real needs. It sheds light on the personalised support that was provided in 2018 to Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Palestine, which aimed at increasing market transparency and efficiency as well as boosting the deployment of renewable energy.

Besides the support activities to member regulators, here are some of MEDREG’s 2018 main highlights:

  • the elaboration of recommendations to stimulate electricity infrastructure investments;
  • the development of guidelines on capacity allocation and the monitoring of the application of guidelines of good practices on Third Party Access to gas networks;
  • the analysis and promotion of innovative RES technologies and mechanisms concerning net metering and smart grids;
  • the design of consumer protection standards and consumer empowerment related to dispute settlement and complaint handling;
  • capacity building trainings;
  • intensified cooperation with stakeholders; and
  • sustained communication and visibility efforts.
June 2018
Annual Report 2017
MEDREG is pleased to share its Annual Report 2017 that presents the activities we carried out over the past year and describes how they contributed to the establishment of compatible energy regulatory frameworks and intensified regional energy cooperation in the Mediterranean region.
This activity report informs about our support to national reforms in the Southern shore countries and about the initiatives that we have deployed to establish conditions to attract infrastructure investments.
In 2017, MEDREG made significant progress on various fronts. With the aim to further integrate the electricity markets, we adopted a pragmatic strategy, monitored the markets and identified projects of mutual and regional relevance.
We elaborated a series of reports, including a gas infrastructure map, to foster the development of transparent gas markets and empower gas consumers.
We also accompanied the developments of renewable energy regulation and technological innovation while we promoted a common approach for consumer protection principles.
In addition, 2017 also saw a renewed and reinforced communication of our achievements to a wider audience, with our entry into social media, among other things.
Finally, this Annual Report lists the publications issued in 2017 as well as our participation in high-level international fora, which forms part of our advocacy work to promote a long-lasting regulatory culture in the region while strengthening our cooperation with external partners.
May 2017
MEDREG Annual Report 2016
2016 marked the tenth anniversary of our Association which helped to create trustful relationships and strong cooperation between Mediterranean energy regulators.
Over the past year, MEDREG supported the empowerment of member regulators through a variety of activities: we completed a successful peer review of the Egyptian electricity regulator, which resulted in tailor-made critical recommendations and we welcomed several technical cooperation initiatives in the Southern shore countries.
With regards to the integration of Mediterranean gas and electricity markets, MEDREG contributed to make significant progress. We evaluated electricity investment projects and promoted good performance of generators while sound methodologies to design gas tariffs and allocate gas capacity were discussed and shared to members.
In 2016, MEDREG’s role in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Energy Platforms was confirmed. MEDREG was recognized as one of the main responsible bodies for technical deliverables to the Regional Electricity Market (REM) Platform, while we also played an important role in the Gas and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) Platforms.
Externally, we maintained and enhanced our relationships with fellow regulators at international level, pursuing our dialogue with European, Balkan and Emerging Markets counterparts.
 We were very active too in designing regulation for consumer-friendly markets able to achieve RES targets, with particular emphasis on the protection of vulnerable consumers.
Our regulatory vision was widely disseminated on the occasion of events and through various publications and communications. 
July 2016
MEDREG Annual Report 2015
Mediterranean Energy Regulators perform an increasing number of activities and support the setting up of an efficient regulatory framework for electricity and gas markets in the Mediterranean region. As the only Association representing the public authorities responsible for electricity and gas regulation of 21 Mediterranean countries, we strongly believe in the central role of independent regulators and will keep on developing recommendations and providing continuous support to our members in this respect.Thanks to the work performed so far to integrate and harmonize electricity and gas markets, MEDREG can be counted among the most relevant organizations in the Mediterranean energy sector. In the future, MEDREG will increase its commitment to support national regulator in developing and strengthening their role. It is our pleasure to share these achievements with you and to send you our 2015 Annual Report.
MEDREG Annual Report 2014
Mediterranean Energy Regulators are pleased to share with you their newly published Annual Report. In 2014 we succeeded in keeping our momentum as an active association of regional cooperation with a clear vision towards the future. We have completed and approved our Strategy for 2020-2030, which identifies five major targets: a sound regulatory institutional framework; optimal conditions for infrastructure investments; functioning, competitive and transparent electricity and gas markets; efficient protection of consumers, in particular of vulnerable ones; and intensified regional cooperation and setting up of pilot projects. To implement these targets we decided to establish a peer review program, which will support our members in the improvement of their national regulatory framework.
Last year MEDREG went on investigating the investment climate for energy infrastructure in the Mediterranean area. Investments were also at the heart of MEDREG’s first Forum on Energy Regulation (November 2014, Barcelona). In addition. MEDREG signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the European Commission and Med-TSO, the Association of Mediterranean Transmission System Operators for Electricity. This protocol allows the signatories to join forces in favor of the creation of a sound Mediterranean Energy Community and identifies MEDREG as a key actor in the context of the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Platforms.
Mediterranean energy regulators are glad to share with you their Annual Report for 2013. Last year MEDREG welcomed Libya as the twenty-first member country of the Association. The European Commission has renewed its confidence in the Association by signing a new three-year contract with MEDREG. MEDREG has strengthened its institutional framework, revising Statutes and Internal Rules. MEDREG has consolidated the relationship of trust established with the Italian energy regulator (AEEGSI), which hosts the Secretariat of MEDREG in Milan (Italy), and has fulfilled its commitments with Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia finalizing the first part of the IMME programme, aimed at the integration of electricity markets in the Maghreb. As an Association gathering regulators, MEDREG aims to build concrete relationships with partners that are key to develop a network. Two examples of this attitude concern the partnership agreement MEDREG signed with Med-TSO, the Association of electricity transmission system operators in the Mediterranean, and the invitation by the Union for the Mediterranean to present the work of the Association at the Ministerial Energy Meeting in Brussels at the end of 2013.
Mediterranean Energy Regulators are pleased to share with you their first Annual Report. This report provides an overview of the main achievements of MEDREG’s Working Groups and Task Forces underlining the growing role of the Association as a regional organisation for regulatory cooperation in the context of a changing Mediterranean area. The report also includes information on our training and capacity-building initiatives as well as on our communication activities and our relations with external partners. An important part of the report is dedicated to MEDREG’s strategy towards the Mediterranean Energy Community. Our aim is to foster the role of energy regulators as a regional point of reference to support stronger energy governance, technical cooperation, data consolidation and transparency, and scientific coordination among members. MEDREG also strives to become a resource centre for Mediterranean energy stakeholders.
May 2012
Since its creation MEDREG has conceived and implemented an ambitious work plan, aimed to build a common vision among its Members based on concrete and in-depth expertise exchange. Today, the achievements of this period of intense activity are presented to all stakeholders in this unique 5-Year Report. It gathers the executive summaries of all deliverables and technical outputs produced by the Ad Hoc Group on Institutional issues (INS AG), the Ad Hoc Group on Electricity (ELE AG), the Ad Hoc Group on Gas (GAS AG), the Ad Hoc Group on Environment, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency (RES AG), and the Task Force on Consumer issues (CUS TF). The executive summaries are presented in the form of thematic fiches and briefly develop the main contents of each report, highlighting their conclusions and recommendations. This allows MEDREG to better explain and promote the very concrete results of our activities over the last 5 years.
  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.