Event detail
La Valletta
1 - 2 July 2019
MEDREG raises the regulators' voice on fostering innovative alliances in the Western Mediterranean
Participating in a conference on “Fostering Innovative Alliances in the Western Mediterranean: A Basin of Opportunities for a Sustainable Future” held on 1-2 July in La Valletta (Malta), MEDREG, represented by Ms. Lenzi (Secretariat), presented the organisation’s work on electricity networks and RES auctions in the panel on "Energy efficiency and transition in the Western Mediterranean".

The following debate highlighted the need to de-politicize energy cooperation in the region and ensure that experts, the industry and NGOs can have the time and means to fine-tune their activities. MEDREG will therefore be involved in these future initiatives. 

The conference was co-organized by IEMED and UfM in the context of the MedThink 5+5 network which is an initiative that seeks to consolidate the sub-regional network of think tanks that was established in May 2016 with the support of more than thirty institutions from the ten Western Mediterranean countries of the 5+5 Dialogue: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Libya and

The MedThink 5+5 works around the Western Mediterranean Forum, its ministerial
formats and high-level working groups by cementing a useful partnership with public
officials, regional cooperation organisations and civil society with the goal of serving as a practical model for greater regional cooperation.

This Forum explored innovative ways to establish cooperation alliances.

The first session of the conference, a more institutional roundtable, was devoted to the unifying role of the 5+5 Dialogue in allowing for a more comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation, following the “Sommet des Deux Rives”. The second and third sessions were devoted to the consolidation of an environmentally-friendly and resilient socioeconomic model, the lodestones of which could be the Blue Economy and energy efficiency. Finally, the fourth session focused on the formation of new alliances within the 5+5 Dialogue and the Mediterranean region at large.

All presentations are available on the IPEMED website
Veronica Lenzi 2_Malta_02.07.2019.jpgVeronica Lenzi_Malta_02.07.2019_1.jpg
  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.