Event detail
31 March 2021


In 2020, the MEDREG Gas Working Group (GAS WG) developed a report on the role of natural gas in supporting the energy transition from a fossil-based system to a zero-carbon one. The scope of the report is to give an overview on the current condition of gas markets in the Mediterranean and focus on the role of this fuel in supporting the energy transition of the area, with a particular focus on the regulators’ role. 

The report is based on a questionnaire circulated to MEDREG members for completion. 12 replies were received from Albania, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey. It is relevant to notice that out of 22 MEDREG member countries, 3 countries do not have an active gas market (Malta, Montenegro and Palestine), while 3 countries have a gas market under development (Albania, Cyprus and Lebanon). Where data was missing, recognized external sources were used to complete the analysis. 

The report showcases a study on the mechanisms available to apply gas as a transitional fuel in the MEDREG countries, by discussing how natural gas is currently used and how it will be employed in the near future to contribute to the creation of a Mediterranean climate-neutral energy system. The role of regulators is discussed in terms of facilitating and managing this transition, taking into account the diverse array of gas policies in place in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The report was concluded in November 2020 and approved by the MEDREG 30th General Assembly. Given the relevance of the subject and the consistency of the data collected, MEDREG decided to make it the object of a public consultation. 


Scope and target respondents

This consultation wants to collect inputs from a diverse array of stakeholders on the statements and recommendations of the report. The scope of the consultation is threefold:

  1. Complement the information concerning the current usage of natural gas in the MEDREG countries and the strategies in place for the future development of gas markets and their role in the energy-transition;
  2. Seek evidence on the sectors where gas is bound to provide a major support in reducing the carbon footprint in the Mediterranean and understand the impact of hydrogen and biogas as complementary sources;
  3. Discuss the role of regulators in ensuring a fair and sustainable energy transition - with a focus on the standards to be ensured in terms of gas quality, access to gas markets and management of congestions, and consumer protection.

During the spring of 2021, MEDREG will evaluate collected responses and integrate them into a conclusions document that will examine the inputs received in light of MEDREG’s stance and indicate how they will feed the future work of the Association.

Targeted stakeholders for the consultation will include the industry, TSO, DSO, shippers and traders, national and international financial institutions, EU bodies, research centers and think tanks, trade associations, concerned consumers and international organizations and associations related to gas that are active in the Mediterranean region. 

The consultation is open from Wednesday, 10 February 2021 to Wednesday, 31 March 2021.

In case of questions or issues concerning the consultation process, please contact the MEDREG Secretariat at

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