Event detail
online meeting
18 March 2021
29th Renewables Working Group (RES WG) meeting
The RES Working Group focuses on the legislative and regulatory mechanisms used to promote renewable electricity generation and energy efficiency and RES deployment in the Mediterranean area, with attention to off-grid solutions and independent power producers (IPPs). In occasion of its first meeting, the newly elected Working Group planned its activities for 2021, with particular attention to the report to identify the role and competences of the Regulators in MED Region concerning energy efficiency measures. To complete this report, the WG will proceed to gather relevant data through a questionnaire to Members, giving attention also at the green mobility policies developed in the region. In addition, the Group discussed the modalities and content of the pooling workshop between Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco to discuss different mechanisms in use in the Mediterranean countries and effective market design to promote RES penetration and low carbon transition in a cost-effective way.
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