Event detail
15 - 16 October 2019
Algeria’s regulatory staff got trained on public service obligations for electricity and gas
Developed in the framework of the support to national reforms, MEDREG facilitated a 2-day training for the staff of the Algerian Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation (CREG) on Public Service Obligations (PSO), which was held on 15-16 October 2019 in Algiers, Algeria.

The training looked at the establishment of a methodology for setting the terms and conditions for financing, definition and identification of public service obligations for electricity and gas. It enhanced the knowledge of CREG staff on the public service obligations in the EU, providing guidance on how to address their application in the context of the Algerian regulatory framework.

Specifically, the training highlighted the main information on the design and imposition of PSOs as well as activities, procedures, methods and instruments for taking over the tasks related to the monitoring and evaluation of the execution of the public electricity and gas services.  The role and responsibility of the various actors involved were addressed with particular attention. In addition, the training gave an overview of the methods and practices used in other countries, such as Belgium, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal, the ACER and the Energy Community, specifying how they could be adapted to Algeria, focusing on the acquisition of the necessary methodological tools.

18 participants from CREG participated in the first day, while 14 in the second one. CREG indicated that the training was highly beneficial to them and that the sharing of experience is a crucial element for the development of PSOs in Algeria.

More information is available in the agenda and the instructors’ presentations.

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