Our work is to reinforce the electricity and gas markets, infrastructure and trade. We advocate for strong regulators that can protect consumers and contribute to the energy transition in the Mediterranean.
Environment, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Working Group (RES WG)



(Portugal, ERSE)
(Lebanon, LCEC)
(Egypt, EgyptERA)

The RES WG focuses on the legislative and regulatory mechanisms used to promote renewable electricity generation, energy efficiency and RES deployment in the Mediterranean area, with attention to off-grid solutions and independent power producers (IPPs).

In the last few years, the RES WG has focused its activities on analysing the state of play of deployment of innovative technologies such as smart meters and smart grids in the Mediterranean region, deepening their impact in reducing electricity prices as well as evaluating potential regulatory measures to overcome limitations to their deployment.

Planned activities for 2024
  • The RES WG is drafting a report on “regulatory framework for the development of energy storage and distributed flexibility resources” exploring items such as demand side management, and batteries for households & industry).
  • A workshop on "Energy Efficiency and Energy Labelling" will showcase the results obtained from the drafting of the report on the same topic during the year 2023.
  • Three support activities; one for the Algerian member, CREG, one for the Lebanese member LCEC, and one for all Mediterranean Partner Countries.





Next event
27 September 2024
MEDREG- ECRB Joint Workshop “Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency”

The Joint ECRB-MEDREG Workshop on “Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” will focus on mechanisms and strategies to integrate renewable energy and improve energy efficiency in electricity systems.

8-9 September 2024
Advocating the role of regulation at the MENA-Europe Future Energy Dialogue

MEDREG President Abdellatif Bardach and Director Hasan Ozkoc participated in the 2nd MENA2nd-Europe Future Energy Dialogue (MEFED24), held in Thessaloniki-Greece on 8 September, which addressed energy infrastructure.

  • Implementation of harmonised regulatory options to promote RES in a cost-effective way.
  • Implementation of advanced distributed generation, grid parity and net metering frameworks in Mediterranean electricity systems. 
  • Evaluation of the costs associated with the fulfilment of national RES targets
  • Promotion of the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences.
  • Assessment of the social impact associated with RES promotion and development in each member country.
  • Study the best options to promote RES in isolated systems when required.
Main Activities
  • Benchmark RES electricity (update 2018 data).
  • Analyse improvement of energy efficiency by smart grids, smart metering and energy service companies and the cost that such an improvement in network.
  • Analyse main regulatory mechanisms such as: environment protection; promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP); energy efficiency promotion including integration to the grids and smart metering issues and their impact of costs.
  • Promote the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences and evaluate the results of the different mechanisms in the national contexts, analysing success factors and critical issues.
  • Analyse the possible effects of the introduction at a national level of successful RES mechanisms adopted in other countries
  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.