Our work is to reinforce the electricity and gas markets, infrastructure and trade. We advocate for strong regulators that can protect consumers and contribute to the energy transition in the Mediterranean.
Natural Gas Working Group (GAS WG)




(Egypt, GASREG)
(CNMC, Spain)
(Turkey, EMRA)

The GAS WG assesses the current status of natural gas and LNG markets in Mediterranean countries, their relevant regulatory frameworks and possible evolutions. The Group elaborates Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) and recommendations for the development of an integrated, competitive, secure and effective gas market in the region.

Recently, the group has focused on the analysis of the convergence of regulatory measures among Mediterranean countries, which can foster gas market integration, namely third-party access and capacity allocation mechanisms.

Initiatives for 2025
  • Report on “The Indirect Impact of Emission Reduction”: The study will analyse the impact of emission reduction in terms of investments between new investments to meet the natural gas consumption and investments needed to electrify and use renewable energy sources, as well as analysing efficiency.
  • Workshop on “Green LNG as a hub for Energy Transition”.
  • Study visit on "Energy Transition Initiatives in EU Countries" for GASREG.
  • Study visit on "Gas Distribution Code" for GASREG.
  • Experts' mission on "Regulation and Assimilation of Secondary Trade in Natural Gas" for NGA.
  • Workshop on "Reform of the Distribution of Gas" for NGA
  • Report on "The Regulation of Hydrogen and How to Penetrate the Existing Gas Markets".
  • Training on "Security of supply for the gas and electricity markets" for all members.
  • Workshop on "Regulatory Framework to Ensure Stability of the National and Regional Gas Markets" for GASREG.




Last publication
5 - 6 February 2015
MEDREG Supports the Establishment of a Lebanese Energy Regulatory Authority

Upon the invitation of the Ministry of Energy and Water and the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC), MEDREG Director Hasan Ozkoc held a series of meetings with H.E. Dr. Walid Fayad, Minister of Energy and Water...

  • Establishment of an integrated gas market framework; development gas infrastructure plans in MEDREG countries detailing existing infrastructures and new investments needs.
  • Identify proper means for increasing member countries’ security of supply through an increased diversification of gas sources and routes, as well as the development of liquid markets.
  • Assess the evolution of cross-border exchange capacities and gas storage, which are the steps for a better market integration.
  • Monitor the transparency of market information and services, as well as the quality of supply to consumers.
  • Promote the creation of a regional cooperation network among Mediterranean gas infrastructure operators on the model of Med-TSO in the gas sector.
Main Activities
  • Study the present and future infrastructure needs from the technical, economic and financial perspectives, to reach a double objective:
    - the establishment of a regional integrated gas market;
    - the improvement of the security of supply within the region.
  • Study methodologies for non-discriminatory TPA to gas infrastructure  
  • Analyse cross-border capacities and gas storage in the context of increasing market integration 
  • Benchmark of the tariff methodologies in MEDREG countries: improve and expand national tariff methodologies
  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.