Our work is to reinforce the electricity and gas markets, infrastructure and trade. We advocate for strong regulators that can protect consumers and contribute to the energy transition in the Mediterranean.
Electricity Working Group (ELE WG)


(France, CRE)
(EgyptERA, Egypt)
(ANRE, Morocco)

The ELE Working Group (ELE WG) is in charge of assessing the current status of electricity markets and regulatory frameworks in MEDREG countries and their possible developments. It aims to identify and propose basic requirements that will lead to the compatibility of electricity regulation in the MEDREG region, developing a competitive, strengthened and running regional electricity market in the region.

In recent years, the group has developed and adopted an innovative approach to define its activities and reports, which is based on a bottom-up approach that identifies the specific needs and priorities expressed by the Members, particularly the Southern ones, to propose ad hoc solutions to respond to them.

Initiatives for 2024
  • The ELE WG report on MEMO+ will provide an update on the MEMO report of 2022 (Mediterranean Electricity Markets Observatory); and it monitors the evolution of the electricity markets in the region, with an additional analysis of the contribution of alternative energy sources to decarbonising electricity production.
  • A Workshop will be on “Smart Meters and Smart Grid Integration Requirements.” The workshop would present the results of the 2023 report and collect external views and experiences from MEDREG’s external partners.
  • The support activity planned for this year will be in the form of a workshop for the Israeli member, PUA.



3 December 2024
Harnessing Regional Regulatory Cooperation to Drive the Sustainable Energy Transition in the Mediterranean

Today, the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG) hosted a high-level discussion in Brussels titled "Shaping the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Market: Progress and Prospects".

  • Monitoring of the electricity market: information exchange on performance indicators and efficient regulatory framework to assess necessary infrastructure investment.
  • Development of a market design model to support the unbundling of the electricity sector, transparency of market information and services, non-discriminatory TPA to infrastructure and services, tariff methodologies, price regulation and the possibility for the establishment of smart grids in MEDREG countries.
  • Regular exchange of data on transmission capacity.
  • Support MEDREG countries in:
    - reach a properly functioning market, which will allow the efficient use of interconnections by allocating transmission capacity in the most efficient way and at market prices.
    - develop an efficient cross-border trade, which should be implemented on all interconnections. This will stimulate the competition between different national markets and will increase regional integration as well as the security of supply. At the same time, this will harmonize the transmission capacity, the auction mechanisms and common grid codes from a mid-term perspective.
Main Activities
  • Jointly, with Med-TSO, elaborate proposals for grids codes covering data sharing among electricity transmission system operators and cross-border electricity exchanges with a view to have them approved and implemented on a voluntary basis by the Mediterranean electricity transmission system operators
  • Define present and future interconnection needs for the establishment of an integrated electricity market from technical, economic and financial perspectives
  • Study operational issues concerning cross-border exchange and congestion management practices; monitor electricity exchange activities among member countries and propose general rules/guidelines for electricity exchange in the Mediterranean
  • Establish a road map to implement the cross border trade guidelines
  • Establish a Mediterranean Electricity Market Observatory (MEMO) for monitoring evolutions in the national and regional markets as well as for sub-regional market development
  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.