Our mission is to establish a fair, functioning and integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market through regulatory cooperation and support.
About us


The Secretariat develops and implements the MEDREG strategy in close coordination with all the members, enhancing MEDREG’s accountability and institutional cooperation in the Mediterranean energy sector. The MEDREG Secretariat is in charge of the management and development of the Association's activities, guaranteeing continuous support to the President, Vice-Presidents and all members.



Mr Hasan Ozkoc
Mr Bardhi Hoxha
Deputy Director
Ms Daphné Lacroix
Communication Manager
Ms Genta Sinani
Finance and Human Resources Officer
Ms Valentina Pelosi
Events and Communication Officer
Mr Lamine Zitouni
Electricity Expert
Mr Tony Gebrayel
Policy Expert
Mr Omar Raafat
Gas Expert
Ms Tika Svanadze
Office Secretary
  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.