Our mission is to establish a fair, functioning and integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market through regulatory cooperation and support.
About us
Mission and Objectives

MEDREG aims to set the conditions for the establishment of a future Mediterranean Energy Community.

Our objective is to provide a level playing field for all Mediterranean energy actors by encouraging and facilitating the establishment of a sound legal and regulatory framework.

Based on independent and objective regulatory bodies, energy markets are more likely to attract investment, ensure the efficient use of the system and of investments and encourage fair practices towards consumers.

Mediterranean energy regulators work together to: 

  1. Stimulate regional integration and energy trading between Mediterranean countries
    We assist our members in their regulatory reforms through tailor-made activities, supporting the development of strong national legal and regulatory frameworks. Regulatory reforms stimulate regional cooperation, helping Mediterranean energy regulators to adopt converging regulatory practices that result in a greater compatibility of the energy markets. In the long run, this emerging common regulatory culture will contribute to the progressive market integrationin the Euro-Mediterranean region.
  2. Analyse and improve conditions for infrastructure investments
    We identify priorities and challenges for the stimulation of relevant investments in the Mediterranean region, advocating for an innovative approach that takes into account the national energy developments and peculiarities in the regional context. Indeed, the latest gas discoveries, the potentialities for RES deployment and the increasing electricity consumptions have further revived the interest on Mediterranean energy developments, bringing them to the top of the international agenda. To this aim, our objectives also include encouraging the development of favourable investment conditions, which is an essential condition for the establishment of secure, sustainable, competitive and integrated Mediterranean energy markets.
  3. Increase competition and transparency in the Mediterranean electricity and gas markets
    We address the well-known dilemma of “information asymmetry” between regulators and market actors, which has a negative effect on the efficiency, competition and transparency of the energy sector. Indeed, transparency and access to information are essential for providing a level playing field in the market. This requires regulation that lays down clear rules and obligations to all parties as well as a regulatory framework that guarantees the ability and powers of the regulators in supervising the performance of these actors. To effectively regulate the energy industry, regulators must access information about the performance and behaviour of the market actors and monitor this regularly.
  4. Innovate in RES technology
    We constantly seek to support our members in implementing regulatory measures to foster the integration of renewable energy sources into their national energy mix. Recognizing the high potential of the Mediterranean region as a provider of renewable electricity (particularly solar and wind energy), it should be noted that the penetration of renewable energy sources is a key tool that contributes to the security of energy supply as well as to the overall efforts that go into combating climate change. To this aim, we regularly produce benchmark studies on the RES national situation and elaborate reports on smart grids, net metering and other RES-associated technologies present in the Mediterranean countries, fostering sustainable development in the region.
  5. Promote consumer protection
    We believe that the safeguarding of consumer rights lies at the heart of the tasks entrusted to regulators, as informed and active consumers are an essential condition for efficient and sustainable energy markets. In this framework, we always work to spread and disseminate awareness on the important role that consumers play as beneficiary and contributor towards the establishment of sustainable energy markets in our region. Therefore, we make surveys and issue recommendations on energy billing, complaint handling procedure and other energy consumer-related issues, identifying and promoting best practices to ensure consumer protection, especially the vulnerable ones, and advocate for a high quality of service for electricity and gas.

More information about MEDREG’s mission is available in its Constitutive Act Statutes.

  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.