Our mission is to establish a fair, functioning and integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market through regulatory cooperation and support.
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General Assembly

MEDREG's 37th General Assembly, 13 June 2024, Selinunte | Italy


The General Assembly is the decision-making body of the Association and meets two times per year. Among other prerogatives, the General Assembly: 


  • Approves MEDREG’s Action Plan; 
  • Approves the annual budget of the Association;
  • Elects the President and Vice-Presidents of MEDREG as well as the Chairs and Vice-chairs of the WGs; 
  • Approves reports and studies issued by the WGs and the Secretariat; 
  • Admits and excludes members; 
  • Accepts resignation by members; 
  • Determines, approves and modifies the statutes, internal rules and any other operative and organisational rules; 
  • Approves protocols and agreements with external bodies and organisations.

It is composed of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Chairpersons of Working Groups, high-level representatives from MEDREG members as well as from the MEDREG Secretariat. The European Commission is invited to the General Assembly meetings as observers with no voting rights.

  • This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of MEDREG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.